


The work of Amy Paloranta is an expression of the heart and soul. Revealing the deep source of imagery and knowing within, her images evoke the fluidity and vibrancy of spirit, interpreted through the lens of an earthbound goddess.  Amy shares that the name Goddess Incognito was given to her in a dream after a Jungian Theory class; something about it resonated and stayed with her.

The journey to know, accept and affirm the Self can feel like a treasure hunt; the source of love within can be hidden from our sight. Like many, Amy has utilized her earth walk to discover her true essence and recorded her observations through her art. She feels that all women are goddesses, incognito and otherwise, as we, like her art, ever evolve, learn, change and grow.

"Amy Paloranta is a working artist who has lived several places but recently relocated back to the high deserts of New Mexico. Her art continues to evolve and reflect her inner and outer worlds as they balance, grow, and shift, as does life. She welcomes comments, interpretations & meaningful conversation regarding art & the universe. – 2011


Drawings, Painting, beadwork, design and print production – commissioned work always welcomed.


Artwork has been reproduced into art cards, bookmarks, print, body art, coloring books, datebooks and reproduced onto fabric.


To purchase, receive a complete image sheet or for more information, please email the artist.

ccopyright 2011 Amy Paloranta, all rights reserved